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SERIOUS BREWING Fifth Anniversary Celebration Menu

Come celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Serious Brewing Company at their tasting room in Howes Cave, NY and enjoy FREE Delivery of your food order from the Bull's Head Inn starting at Noon on Saturday, January 14.

SERIOUS Good Food & Sturdy Drink! 

Also enjoy, their special anniversary release barrel-aged beer, and


 Serious Brewing Co., 116 Caverns Rd, Howes Cave, NY 12092 

Special Menu and FREE Delivery available for 1:30, 3:30 & 5:30 delivery times.  $20 minimum order (plus tax)  Please order at least 45 minutes in advance of delivery time.  Call the Bull's Head Inn at 518-234-1802 to place your order.

a group of people in a room a sign on the side of a building